Mill on the HillPortugal

08 May 11

Mill on the Hill News Image
May 11, 2011

April was a mixture of sun and rain. Now it seems the worst is behind and the usual sunshine will be making us all forget the wet spring and I hope, like last year, the glorious weather holds until after Christmas.

I spent a couple of mad days this week taming the garden, and working with Steve, Octavio and Louise finishing off the pool area, putting in drinking water filters, a new water boiler, new washing machine and checking on the updated power system.  Also we moved the millstone and extended the bench round the corner by the pool instead of replacing the old tree.

Declared the big passion fruit vine dead. It will be sorely missed but one of the new ones planted in October 09 has survived and is gradually taking hold. Maybe next year we’ll get fruit again. Fingers are crossed. Got my camera out and attempted some panorama shots for the scrapbook as the sun went down.

I updated the info pack yesterday to match the changes.

Filling up the pool

Filling up the pool


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